Primal Canine Duck Freeze-Dried Formula is Premium freeze-dried raw dog food made with grass-fed, antibiotic-free beef raised without steroids or added hormones and with USDA organic fruits and vegetables. Grain free. Serve as a complete & balanced meal, a freeze-dried dog food topper or treat.
- Premium freeze-dried raw dog food made with grass-fed, antibiotic-free beef raised without steroids or added hormones and with USDA organic fruits and vegetables. Grain free
- Upgrade from kibble. Minimally processed dog food delivers the highest digestibility for maximum nutrient absorption to support optimal weight, skin & coat, oral & eye health, reduced stool volume
- Serve as a complete & balanced meal, a freeze dried dog food topper or treat. Adding Primal Pet Food just a few times a week will help you start to see the results raw food for dogs can provide
- Convenient & delicious raw nutrition. Shelf-stable, great alternative to frozen dog food. Easy to crumble and serve. Best when rehydrated to satisfy your dog’s natural instinct. 3-4 nuggets per oz
- Crafted in the USA. Wholesome adult dog food with real whole food ingredients. No synthetic vitamins or minerals. No artificial flavors, colors, preservatives. No corn, wheat, soy, lentils, or legumes