Velocity International was born from a desire to educate fellow pet parents about quality products and superior nutrition.

Velocity International is a pet food supplier in UAE and your one-stop solution for all your pet supply needs. We are passionate about bringing to market the best pet products available, contributing to the overall success of our customers and the well being of our beloved pets. Our pets are a part of our family, and their needs are important to us. We take great pride in serving our customers with an educated sales force, always maintaining a friendly and professional attitude. We look forward to working with you as your partner.

Our Story

Pet Central, by Velocity International, is a business that is operated by a family of pet owners. The company was born not just from pure interest and fondness for animals, but also from a need to choose quality products and brands for our own pets. Around 2010, we realised the need to introduce products that we had discovered, as we realised a certain lack or unavailability of natural, holistic and super premium pet specialty products and brands in the GCC. A passion project then lead us to becoming one of the pioneers in this industry!


Our orange box shared values

Honesty and transparency are the core values of our company, and we ensure that all our vendors share the same principles and standards as our own. All our vendors have been specially selected by us, for their sheer ability to deliver what they claim, great value, and their long success in other parts of the world.

We have expanded beyond brands for pet food and have introduced a range of products and accessories for all your pet needs. For example, a tried and tested product, litter by Intersand, does exactly what it advertises, and the brand focusses on sustainability.


Our portfolio represents a diverse range of companies that offer quality, without burning a hole in your pocket

As pet parents, we at Velocity and Pet Central will always put the needs and comfort of all your pets, and ultimately, all you pet parents and potential pet parents.

Cross Dock Network

Our state of the art distribution center enables us to deliver market-leading choice across the middle east and beyond.

Dedicated Support

Our teams are in place and ready to help with a dedicated and tailored service to support your business.

Specialist Divisions

If you need that little bit extra, our specialist divisions allow a unique approach to our partner's needs.

Careers at Velocity

We're always on the lookout that excels to join our growing team. If you’re looking for your next challenge, please email us.